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Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis infection There are 6 replies:
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Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis infection Original post: Fri 8/13/2021 at 7:31 AM

Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis infection. Symptoms of tuberculosis infection. It may be caused by the body being weak, tired, lethargic, unable to move. fever of hands and feet No appetite, low fever during the day red cheeks in the afternoon Night sweats, fever, shoulder pain Irregular menstruation or menopause in women, coughing frequently, but not much mucus Sometimes there is bloody sputum. coughing up blood Chest and back pain, high fever

อ่านต่อได้ที่ : โรงเรียนวัดพ่วง
นานาสาระ : วัณโรค

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