Lawyers For Liverpool Fans File Claims Against UEFA After Champions League Final Chaos

Thursday 28th of September 2023

Lawyers for Liverpool fans have escalated their claim against UEFA after an independent report determined it had 'primary responsibility' for the horrific scenes outside last season's Champions League final in Paris, due to organizational errors. Fans were confined against stadium perimeter fences before the match due to lack of organization and tear-gassed by French police as punishment.

The Independent Inquiry

Lawyers for Liverpool fans filed claims against UEFA after the CL final chaos in Paris last May, alleging they failed to ensure a secure environment and may owe legal liability to those injured. An Independent Inquiry into these claims was then commissioned by UEFA, with experts from legal, policing and event management consulting firms convening.

The report holds Uefa responsible for the catastrophic organisational and safety failures that almost caused disaster. It also criticizes French police and the French Football Federation (FFF) for failing to conduct a risk assessment of the stadium.

It also found that Uefa lacked overall control of their safety and security unit, which should have been utilized to collaborate with local authorities on access issues to the stadium and guarantee turnstiles were functioning correctly. Furthermore, the panel made several shocking criticisms regarding UEFA's culture and operations.

UEFA’s Response

Lawyers for Liverpool fans who were caught up in the chaos at last year's CL final have filed claims against UEFA. They contend that the club's governing body failed to provide a safe environment at Stade de France and could owe legal liability to those who suffered physical or psychological injuries from the disorder.

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European football's governing body issued an apology to supporters and promised that it would recoup the costs of tickets for those turned away due to late arrivals, including those with fake tickets. However, those claims were quickly disproved.

At the Stade de France, thousands of Liverpool fans were trapped outside. French police fired tear gas and pepper spray at them as they attempted to gain entrance. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin blamed the chaos on those trying to enter without tickets or with counterfeit ones.

Last month, UEFA acknowledged some responsibility for the disorder but offered an apology and promised to recoup some costs. But lawyers representing hundreds of Liverpool fans who have been deeply affected by the disaster dispute these claims.

Legal Action

Liverpool fans have filed a legal action against UEFA following last year's Champions League final chaos in Paris. An independent panel reported that European soccer's governing body bore primary responsibility for failings that almost led to a "mass fatality catastrophe" at last year's CL final in Paris.

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The report revealed that fans were confined to stadium perimeter fences before the game due to organizational shortcomings, and French police used tear gas to control them. There was an "immediate and clear risk of fatal crush" during this chaotic time before kickoff.

Liverpool have demanded that fan safety is given top priority at matches after a report revealed an almost certain "mass fatality catastrophe". They said there was "an absolute need" for UEFA and Stade de France to take steps to prevent this from ever happening again.


Lawyers for Liverpool fans who were injured during last season's Champions League final in Paris have filed claims against UEFA, asserting that they are owed a substantial amount of compensation for their clients' suffering from psychological trauma.

According to the report, French police may be held accountable for violations of fans' human rights during the chaotic scenes outside Stade de France. Police were reported to have imprisoned Liverpool supporters against stadium perimeter fences and tear-gassed them.

It was also claimed that the French government was trying to divert attention away from its own shortcomings by placing blame for the crisis on Liverpool fans. According to the report, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin had unfairly used this situation as an opportunity to disparage Liverpool.

Last week, lawyers representing hundreds of Liverpool fans filed a group claim against UEFA in the UK courts. Leigh Day - representing more than 600 supporters - declared they "should be compensated for the trauma they endured".