CNBC news agency reported that the analysis of the number of deaths from the coronavirus virus. In the United States, according to Johns Hopkins University disclosures, Wisconsin, Tennessee and Nebraska are the slotxo three states in the US with COVID-19 death rates. Highest in the US
Wisconsin has an average of 31 deaths from COVID-19 per day over the past seven days, up 75% over the previous seven days.
Tennessee has an average of 36 deaths from COVID-19 per day over the past seven days, up 65% over the previous seven days.
In addition, Nebraska has an average of eight deaths from COVID-19 per day in the past seven days, up 45% from the previous seven days.
Meanwhile, 15 states in the US reported the number of COVID-19 cases. That require hospitalization at a record high The state of Wyoming saw a 61% increase in the number of hospitalizations compared to the previous week. New Mexico was up 51% and North Dakota was up 27%.