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What is Gender Inequality-let's find out There are 0 replies:
What is Gender Inequality-let's find out Original post: Thu 2/2/2023 at 12:20 PM

The anachronistic 'custodians' of a great religion Islam are disrespectful to God and Islam, by issuing an illogical 'fatwa'. The recent fatwa is a cameo. Just incredible! It states: 'Women can't fart with sound, as it is not what women like. They can fart without noise. Of course, means can continue to fart, with or without noise.'Following some suggestions to reduced inequalities.

Current gender inequality - denial in education

1. When the Taleban didn't allow women in Afghanistan to study in schools, the World was astonished. In growing countries, the Kids of poor families are forced to earn money, rather than go to school to study. Now there is a knockout, in the lower strata of communities, and children - girls or boys - are forced to go to school. There are laws against child labor, which are disobeyed more often than not.

The men get preferential treatment within the family to study. The girls too attend the school, but it was a lower priority till today. Taleban in Afghanistan and Boko Haram in Nigeria display a backward, orthodox, anachronistic outlook in recent eras. They won't hesitate to shoot another, rebellious Malala'. Remember, the strong girl, who wanted to study and supported others. She was shot in the brain, later treated in England, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize!

Gender inequality as a punishment

2. There was an infidelity case in Ghalmin village of Ghor province in Afghanistan. The girl was violently married, which she denied accepting. She had run away from home with her beau. The girl was ripped to death, but the boy was awarded a few punches and set free after that. There is unfairness between boys and girls, in punishment for the same alleged offense.

Gender inequality in farting

3. In a city council in Aceh, Indonesia, there is a religious act that to fart with noise, is not ladylike and is banned for women. The women can fart in public places but must do so in a controlled manner, so as not to produce Noise. Boys can fart, with or without Noise. What a degenerated thought process!

The solution

4. It is a common social issue, but linked with religion. A suggestion or instruction will be explained as interference in religious affairs and may be exploited by Muslim militants, to suit their political goals.

According to Tashkent State University of Economics Health Care services, The only way out is to encourage literacy among girls. Literate women will need gender equality, and that will result in a dynamic Islam, which is now static,



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